"NCS Saved My Life"

For 40 years, NCS’s staff has worked hard to ensure our clients are safe and healthy. We provide our residents with a home, healthy meals, and substance use disorder counseling— and case management to make sure residents take care of their mental and physical health. For one resident, in particular, this work had an especially big impact.

“NCS saved my life,” James shared. “I was the type of person that never went to the doctor unless he had a symptom. And with certain diseases that works. You know, you get a symptom, they cure it. But when I went to the doctor because NCS wanted me to get a physical, it turned out I had a very aggressive form of prostate cancer, which they caught just in the nick of time. If I had been in my own apartment [not at the NCS Residence], I never would have gone to the doctor, and I would have died. So, I say that NCS saved my life… I’m so grateful."

At NCS, we know that sometimes housing isn’t enough to help people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. That’s why we provide on-site supportive services, including case management, to ensure they have a high quality of life.

This level of care is only possible because of supporters like you. Thank you.

In honor of NCS’s 40th anniversary, we will be sharing stories about our founders, volunteers, supporters, and staff who make our work possible, and the residents and clients at the center of our mission.
Check back throughout the year as we regularly update the series with new stories from our 40 years